Virtual Portobello on Friday 16th October

Virtual Portobello October 16th 2020

Back by popular demand, our renowned Friday vintage market will run alongside a digital version live on Instagram stories at 10am, Friday 16th October! During lockdown thousands of people from across the world got their weekly vintage fashion shopping fix via #VirtualPortobello on Instagram Stories.

Although we are delighted to be back up and running from our physical London home under the canopy on Portobello Road, we would also like to keep our market accessible to all during these times. Plus, we know that lots of you that don’t live in London but still want to shop from our amazing, top class bunch of vintage traders, stylists and designers.

Shopping and browsing Virtual Portobello is easy. Simply follow our Instagram page and view our stories, from 10am on Friday 16th of October. If you see something you like DM the seller directly to enquire about an item. Stories will stay live on our page until 10am on Saturday. To be safe, you can always screen grab a photo of the item you wish to purchase.

We are pleased to hold the reputation for being London’s best weekly vintage fashion market.  You can shop vintage of all decades at the Portobello Green Market on Fridays. Designer vintage, costume vintage, period vintage, textiles, fashion and accessories. You’ll find vintage clothing from the 1900’s through to 2000’s at Portobello Green Market.

If you take your fashion seriously then this is the place to find London’s next big trends. A plethora of fashion inspiration and ideas to be found under Portobello’s canopy on Portobello Road.

Remember if you don’t live locally, you can get a taste of the action from the comfort of your own home on Friday 16th October. We’ll be running our online Virtual Portobello markets quarterly moving forward, so follow us on Instagram to keep posted.

Lots of love, The Portobello Crew

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