Portobello Sunday Flea Market

The weekly Sunday Flea Market at Portobello Green has a local, chilled out vibe. Find vintage fashion stalls, flea market stalls and bric-a-brac and antique stalls.

Open Every Sunday from 10am-4pm


The Sunday Flea Market at Portobello Green Market attracts  more locals than tourists. For those wanting to avoid the hustle and bustle of Saturday, Sunday is a great day to visit Portobello.

At the Portobello Sunday Flea Market you’ll find a range of vintage fashion stalls under the canopy as well as antiques and flea market stalls on Portobello Road. We have a great vintage vinyl stall, vintage military clothing and memorabilia, jewellery, antiques and bric–brac.

For hungry shoppers visit the Portobello Green World Street Food Market where your taste buds can travel the world.

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